We live in an image-centered world and we are exposed to images almost everywhere. Today’s mainstream media, and especially online platforms such as Instagram, has major impacts on one’s construction of identity, sexuality, and gender. We are obsessed with appearance and Instagram, which is based on imagery, is the most powerful evidence of this cultural phenomena. It is different from traditional media because it gives users to create their own image of self and thus it can be empowering. However, it is also associated with self- objectification. It can have a negative effect on the issue of body image because through this platform it is also possible to observe standart idea of ‘‘beauty’’ and its idealization which is the reflection of our culture. We are encouraged to look as ‘‘perfect’’ as possible. Beauty and fashion industries, for example, convince masses to improve their appearance all the time and many people, especially women, spend time and money trying to constantly look a certain way; through media platforms, unrealistic standards of beauty are promoted.

In this project, I have collected pictures of women which are considered as ‘‘hottest’’ models to follow by a mainstream magazine. I have printed those pictures and pasted them on three dimentional objects and materials such as Rubik’s cube, Jenga and wood. I wanted to create sculpture-like objects which can be taken to pieces, to emphasize that those idealized images and standar- dized beauty are constructed and fetishized.



Creative Fields